Tama Shizume

The big catastrophe on March 11th in the north of Japan has affected me very deeply.

-Tama is soul, shizme is shizumeru, sorry to make it calm down.

Nenge Mishou

Nenge Mishou - Zen Worte- to understand each other without words


-One day when the Buddha silently twisted a flower, people could not understand the meaning of it, but only venerable Kasho understood the meaning and smiled back to him. So Buddha taught the Dharma method of Zen to Kasho.

It means without any words, to understand each other from the heart to heart.

The word "Nenge" means to twist a flower. "Misho" means smile.

Kannon  Bosatsu

Kannon (skt. Avalokiteshvara) is the best known Bodhisattva figure in Buddhism. Bodhisattvas (jap. bosatsu) are intermediary figures, similar to Christian saints, who are especially interested in helping people and all other sentient beings to enlightenment.
Kannon has in various forms, as the situation requires.


Exhibition 2024

 10. Feb. - 2. March 2024

Galerie ARTESOL in Solothurn

  Beatrice Rubio

  Hiromi Miyamoto

  Noriko Steiner-Obata





22. Nov. - 30. Dez. 2023

Advants Exhibition

UniQart, Nidau


20.Nov.- 11.Dec.2023


Bulgarian mini Textiles Triennale, Sofia, Bulgaria


9. Sep. - 3.Dec. 2023

"Voyage" mini-Textile-art Exhibition

UUTE Finnish Assosiation

Craft Museum of Finland

Jyväskylä, Finland



9. - 17. Sep. 2023

La Voirie in Biel-Bienne


23. - 26. March 2023

Teximus 4

Altstadthalle in Zug





2. - 30. October. 2021

UniQart , CH-2560 Nidau

Hauptstrasse 43, 2560 Nidau









update : 26. Jan. 2025