Tenshō mission
When Christianity was propagated in Japan in the mid-16th century, the Christian regional rulers and the Jesuits sent four boys to Europe. They were the first Japanese to come to Europe, and they
were also the first Japanese that Europeans had ever seen.
On 1582, they left Nagasaki, 2 years later they reached Lisbon. Their stay caused a sensation throughout Europe. The envoys had visited many European cities, met numerous nobles and had
audiences with kings and the Pope.
8 years later, the envoy returned to Japan. During their absence, the new ruler issued a decree banning Christianity from the country. On their return, the four young men suffered a sad end.
*One evening in Pisa, Francesco I de' Medici invited a group of envoys to a ball. His wife Bianca Cappello danced with Mancio (one of the four) and the audience